EHPA Research and Innovation Committee

EHPA Research and Innovation Committee

Background: The need for an overview and exchange of information regarding HP Research and Innovation (the committee is not only open to EHPA members). The need to streamline project development (e.g. Horizon Europe, LIFE, Innovation Fund, European Partnerships, Interreg, Tenders, other relevant programmes) and the creation of consortiums/groups that can apply for these.

Aim: To establish a diverse and expanding group that can exchange information regarding research, innovation, project calls, initiatives, gaps in technology development and opportunities for advancement. To map HP related R&I at European level and to connect with diverse stakeholders that can offer different perspectives, skills and knowledge.


Who can attend: This committee is open to all EHPA members as well as any relevant stakeholder that can contribute to its work (e.g. consultancies, research institutes, energy/training experts etc).


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Schedule: The Research and Innovation Committee meets 3 times per year. Some of its meetings will be coupled either with Project calls that are open/opening (e.g. Horizon Europe, LIFE, EC tenders) or with EHPA project events (e.g. the Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC) platform – Heat Pump Technology Panel (TP)). The meetings are held online via Microsoft Teams from 10:00 to 12:00 CET with an invitation being sent one month before the meeting and follow-up documents one to two weeks after.

Chair: Dan Stefanica – Head of Projects at the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)

Dan Stefanica has a bachelor’s degree in European Public Administration and was awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for his master degree in Lifelong Learning – Policy and Project Management. He previously worked for the Executive Management Division of the NATO Headquarters, dealing with Transition and Transformation management. Before that, working on European projects in Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, Turkey, Denmark, France, Belgium and acting as the Executive Manager of the Austrian Center for Lifelong Learning.
He is managing several Horizon2020 and Interreg projects related to Renewable Heating and Cooling as well as the EHPA Research and Innovation Committee.

Be part of this initiative by sending an email to

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