EHPA Quality Label

Welcome to the EHPA Quality Label programme!
The Quality Label is a programme developed by EHPA aiming to assure the end consumer of the quality of a heat pump unit or model range on the market. The label is based on tests according to international standards EN 14511, EN 14825, EN 15879 and EN 16147. The tests are executed by ISO 17025 accredited test centres.
There are currently 13 countries participating in the scheme. While the label has a European focus, it requires a national reference to verify the existence of a service organisation.
Show your quality product to the end-consumer
If you are a heat pump manufacturer, you can easily obtain the EHPA Quality Label by following the steps below.
Contact: qualitylabel@ehpa.org
How to apply
1.Get your single unit or model range tested at one of the EHPA recognised Test Centres (see below). To know if your different units can be part of a model range, please check our document, in the document section below, which defines the requirements of a model range. If you want to apply for a range of heat pumps where each model is an assembly of two identical single heat pump models of the same model range (twin model range), please consult our addendum.
2.Apply to the national quality label commission in one of the participating countries (see below) of your choice. You can find the application document here and the instructions to apply here.
3.The national quality label commission will assess the application and grant the label for a specific country if the unit fulfills the quality requirements.
4.Once the label is granted, you will receive the official certificate and the label to be printed and placed on the units. The label then may also be used for marketing purposes.
Attention: the certificate can only be used in the country where the label has been granted!
Once you have obtained the original label (“parent certificate”), you can immediately apply to have your unit labelled in different countries. You need to contact the national quality label commissions in the countries you are interested in. You should provide them with:
1.the “parent certificate”, which is the label of the first country where you have applied
2.the additional national requirements, which need to be fulfilled
Attention: the different labels remain valid for the same period as the original parent certificate.
The EHPA Quality Label is valid for 3 years. It is possible to renew the validity of the label for another 3 years. This can be done up to two times. The test centres recognised by EHPA will demand a retest when needed, e.g., when a specific component has been replaced, which can have a significant impact on the overall performance. You can find how to renew your label here.
Check who is already certified
Participating countries
You can find the details on the national quality label commissions below:
Established by: Wärmepumpe Austria
Contact person for application and granting procedure: Christian Koefinger (Wärmepumpe Austria)
Established by: WarmtePompPlatform Vlaanderen
Chair of national heat pump commission: Maarten Sourbron, KU Leuven
Czech Republic
Established by: Czech Heat Pump Association
Contact person for application and granting procedure: Mario Jankola, SZU
Established by: Danish Technological
Institute and Varmepumpefabrikantforeningen VPF.
Chair of national heat pump commission: Preben Eskerod, Danish Technological Institute
Established by: Finnish Heat Pump Association SULPU
Chair of national heat pump commission: Jussi Hirvonen, SULPU
Established by: Bundesverband Wärmepumpe (BWP) e.V.
Contact person for application and granting procedure: André Jacob, BWP
The Netherlands
Established by: Dutch Heat Pump Association
Chair of national heat pump commission: Charles Geelen, DHPA
Established by: Polish Organization of Heat Pump Technology Development
Chair of national heat pump commission: Adolf Mirowski, PORT PC
Established by: Slovak association for cooling and air-conditioning technology
Chair of national heat pump commission: Emanuel Godal, TSU Piestany
Established by: SKVP – Swedish Refrigeration & Heat Pump Association
Chair of national heat pump commission: Morgan Willis, RISE
Established by: Fördergemeinschaft Wärmepumpen Schweiz FWS
Chair of national quality label commission: Andreas Genkinger
United Kingdom
Established by BEAMA and the UK heat pump association
Contact person for application and granting procedure: Rebecca Hogg, BSRIA
Established by: French Heat Pump Association AFPAC
Chair of national heat pump commission: Valérie Laplagne, Uniclima
All test centres must follow the EHPA regulation for heat pump tests in their most recent version.

Austrian Institute of Technology
Website: http://www.ait.ac.at
Contact: Christian Koefinger,
Email: Christian.Koefinger@ait.ac.at

Danish Technological Institute
Website: www.dti.dk
Contact: pres@teknologisk.dk

Website: www.cetiat.fr
Contact: Maxime Boucheron,
Email: maxime.boucheron@cetiat.fr

Universität Stuttgart, Prüfstelle HLK
Website: www.hlk-stuttgart.de
Contact: Bernd Klein,

Website: www.ilkdresden.de
Contact: Ralf Noack,
Email: ralf.noack@ilkdresden.de

TÜV Rheinland Immissionsschutz und Energiesysteme GmbH
Website: www.tuv.com
Contact: Ansgar Pomp,
Email: ansgar.pomp@de.tuv.com

TÜV Süd Industrie Service GmbH
Website: www.tuev-sued.de
Contact: Peter Schnepf,
Email: peter.schnepf@tuev-sued.de

VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH
Website: www.vde-institut.com
Contact: Thomas Hofmann,
Email: thomas.hofmann@vde.com

Website: www.kiwa.com
Contact: Jan Meuleman,
Email: jan.meuleman@kiwa.nl

Website: www.ceis.es
Contact: Pilar García Casado,
Email: pgarcia@ceis.es

Wärmepumpen-Testzentrum WPZ
Website: www.wpz.ch
Contact: Michael Eschmann,
Email: mick.eschmann@ost.ch