The EUCERT programme aims at training and educating heat pump installers throughout Europe. This is in line with EHPA’s goal to not only mark quality products but also shine a light on the qualified workforce. Since, an extremely well-running heat pump can lose a lot of its efficiency if not properly installed. Therefore, currently 14 countries are working together to have this scheme in place and in accordance with Article 14 of the RES Directive.
Article 14 (3) of the 2009 EU Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Directive says:
“Member States shall ensure that certification schemes or equivalent qualification schemes become or are available by 31 December 2012 for installers of […] heat pumps. Those schemes may take into account existing schemes and structures as appropriate […]. Each Member State shall recognise certification awarded by other Member States in accordance with those criteria.”
EUCert – forward
The European Heat Pump Association wants to be a frontrunner on training and certification schemes for heat pump installers in Europe and it therefore takes, through its Education Committee, the management and development of a training and certification scheme – EUCert – forward.
This EUCert certification programme has grown out of a previous EU funded programme, the SAVE project EU-CERT.
HP, which was aimed at initiating a European training and quality campaign for installers in the field of heat pump technology. It had been supported by the European Commission within the Intelligent Energy Programme and was completed in December 2006. Afterwards, EHPA felt that the sector needed such a program to be wider developed and therefore continued with its partners in several EU Member States to improve the schemes. Today organisations from several European countries, in addition to the original project partners, are actively using and supporting this system.
You can find more information on the countries where trainings are offered in the sub-section Member countries. If your country is not listed yet and you have a vital interest in setting up a training programme based on the EUCERT scheme, please contact us via eucert@ehpa.org.

Become a certified installer!
If you are a heat pump installer or you aim at installing heat pumps and would like to be part of the EUCERT program men, then you need to undertake the following steps:
Look if the country where you want to follow the courses and/or install heat pumps is listed in the ‘Participating Countries’.
If this is the case, then please directly get in contact with the contact person that is mentioned. He or she will help you further and explain when the next courses are and what the entry requirements might be. You can also directly go to the website of the organisation and inquire yourself.
If this is not the case, then please send an e-mail to eucert@ehpa.org and someone at EHPA will try to help you further.
Participating Countries
You can find the detalis on the natiional quality label commissions below:

- National Coordinator: Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
- Contact person: Mr. Christian Köfinger
- Training institute: AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology
- Certifying body: AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology
- Website: Waermepumpe Austria (Austrian Heat Pump Association)

- National Coordinator: Flemish Heat Pump Platform
- Contact person: Mr. Jan Lhoëst
- Training institute: none
- Certifying body: none
- Website: http://www.ode.be

Czech Republic
- National Coordinator: AVTC
- Contact person: Mr. Tomas Straka
- Training institutes: Polytechnic School Brno
- Certifying body: Czech Heat Pump Association AVTC
- Website: http://www.avtc.cz

- National Coordinator: Danish Technological Institute
- Contact person: Mr. Svenn Hansen
- Training institutes: none
- Certifying body: none
- Website: http://www.dti.dk

- National Coordinator: Finnish Heat Pump Association SULPU ry
- Contact person: Mr. Jussi Hirvonen
- Training institutes: AMIEDU, SEDU, RAMK
- Certifying body:HP Installer Certification Board of Finland
- Website: http://www.sulpu.fi

- National Coordinator: BWP – German Heat Pump Association
- Contact person: Mr. Tony Kroenert
- Training institutes: Five, located in Augsburg, Karlsruhe,
- Potsdam, Gladbeck and Saffig. Details are listed here
- Certifying body: BWP Germany
- Website: http://www.waermepumpe.de

- National Coordinator: MAHÖSZ
- Contact person: Mr. Istvan Szép
- Training institutes: none
- Certifying body: none
- Website: http://www.hoszisz.hu

- National Coordinator: Areliguria
- Contact person: Mr. Pierpaolo Rossodivita
- Training institutes: Daikin Italy, Genova
- Certifying body: none
- Website: http://www.areliguria.it

- National Coordinator: PORT PC – Polish Association for Heat Pump
- Technology and Development
- Contact person: Mr. Sebastian Kaletka
- Training institutes: Eurocentre, Katowice
- Certifying body: PORT PC
- Website: http://www.portpc.pl

- National Coordinator: APIRAC – Portugese Heat Pump Association
- Contact person: Mr. Nuno Roque
- Training institutes: none
- Certifying body: none
- Website: http://www.apirac.pt

- National Coordinator: SZ CHKT – Slovak association for cooling and airconditioning
- Contact person: Mr. Peter Tomlein
- Training institutes: SZ CHKT Rovinka
- Certifying body: CO CHKT Rovinka
- Website: www.szchkt.org

- National Coordinator: Mid Sweden University
- Contact person: Mr. Bengt Sandström
- Training institutes: Mid-Sweden University
- Certifying body: INCERT AB
- Website: http://www.miun.se

United Kingdom
- National Coordinator: UK GSHP
- Contact person: Mr. Nic Wincott
- Training institutes: none
- Certifying body: none
- Website: http://www.gshp.org.uk