PUSH2HEAT aims to push forward the market potential of heat upgrade technologies by overcoming the technical and non-technical implementation barriers of these as well as by developing relevant business models for the full-scale demonstration of different heat upgrade systems in relevant industrial sectors, with supply temperatures in the range of 90-160ºC.

Pushing forward the market potential and business models of waste heat valorisation by full-scale demonstration of next-gen heat upgrade technologies in various industrial contexts

Pushing forward the market potential and business models of waste heat valorisation by full-scale demonstration of next-gen heat upgrade technologies in various industrial contexts
Project information
Overall budget : 973970313 €
EU contribution : 784031290 €
Start date : 01/10/2022 - End date : 30/09/2026
Grant ID : 101069689
Programme (s)
The expected results of the PUSH2HEAT project are the following:
- The development of 4 heat upgrade technologies: (i) an upscaled HTHP with piston compressor, (ii) a large-scale HTHP with centrifugal compressor (iii) an upscaled absortion Heat transformer and (iv) Thermochemical HT a for heat upgrade below 160ºC
- The Demonstration (TRL7-8) of the concept in 3 operational plants covering most relevant industrial sectors.
- The development of successful exploitation roadmaps, business models and contractual agreements for heat upgrade technologies deployment.
- A thorough assessment for the extended application of the concept including the analysis of the potential of the heat upgrade technologies in industry and other sectors, the technical and economical life cycle assessment of heat upgrade systems and assessment of the potential impact of heat upgrade technologies at EU Level
- Increased awareness and knowledge of heat upgrade technologies of the selected target audience.