The META BUILD Horizon Europe project aims to deliver Decarbonisation as a Service, accelerating the electrification of thermal energy demands for both commercial and residential buildings.
META BUILD is set to identify, test, and scale innovative solutions for the electrification, decarbonisation, and digitalisation of both commercial and residential buildings. These solutions include integration of heat pumps (HPs), photovoltaic panels (PVs), photovoltaic thermal collectors (PVTs), thermal and second-life battery storage systems. To enhance Building Digitalisation and Intelligence (BDI) while prioritising Energy efficiency, the project will also implement Digital Twin technologies, Smart Controllers, and AI-driven energy management solutions.
Six buildings across Europe (Austria, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy and Spain) will demonstrate this system while seven additional pilots (Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Poland and Spain) will replicate the successful solutions.
A holistic approach will address challenges throughout the project implementation, including product manufacturing, energy solution design and engineering, construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance. META BUILD seeks to engage all stakeholders along the entire chain and contribute significantly to support the Energy Efficiency first principle .
META BUILD project (full name: Powering the METAmorphosis of BUILDings towards a decarbonised and sustainable energy system) is an innovation action funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 101138373.