Are you a groundbreaker on heat pump technologies? From compressors to chillers, flexibility to fans, all who have innovated in heat pump technologies are invited to share their contributions for the International Energy Agency’s 15th heat pump conference. This conference will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 26-29 May 2026.
The deadline for submitting your abstract is 15 May 2025, and it should be aligned to one of the pillars below, ensuring you follow the steps and requirements listed on the website. The abstracts will be screened, and authors will be advised of acceptance by 15 June, 2025.
You can submit your abstract related to these four pillars:
- Technology development: next generation heat pumping technologies
- Applications: heat pumps for accelerated decarbonisation
- Supporting heat pump adoption: successful programmes, initiatives and collaboration
- Future heat pump markets: capitalising on opportunities for heat pumps
More Information about the guidelines and topics:
About the conference
Every three years the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies (IEA HPT TCP) stages the IEA Heat Pump Conference. It is an international heat pump conference that was held for the first time in 1984.
The conference offers a unique meeting place where advances and prospects in technology, applications, and markets for heat pumps, air conditioning, and refrigeration equipment and systems for residential, commercial, and industrial applications are shared.
The Heat Pump Conference 2026 will be the biggest conference in Europe where industrial representatives, policy makers and researchers discuss the latest advancements in the field of heat pumping technologies. The National Organising Committee (NOC) is working hard to plan and organise an exciting conference program, including a technical program, international key-notes, panel discussions, poster presentations, workshops, technical tours and social activities.
The NOC greatly appreciates the assistance provided by the International Organising Committee (IOC) and Heat Pump Center, the programme office of HPT TCP. The organising team highly encourage researchers, policy makers, representatives from utilities and the public sector, manufacturers, and designers to present their most recent and novel developments in heat pumping technologies.