Winners of the Heat Pump City of the Year award – 2019 edition

12 Jun 2022

On the 15th of May in the framework of the HeatPumpForum 2019, the Heat Pump City of the Year  award (HPCY) was celebrated in front of our 200 participants. 

The HPCY award aims at awarding four best and innovative projects which involve heat pumps with other RES on local, residential, industrial level and the most innovative application in the market. 

For the 2019 edition we received 22 applications, and we are enthusiastic that our prestigious HPCY award is growing, and every year we are collecting more and more interesting and innovative projects which show how heat pumps are a valuable resource in the decarbonisation path in Europe.

We want to thank all the participants again, and the winning projects for the 2019 edition are: 

  • For the DecarBuilding category: the project “Turnova in Turnhout” in the city of Turnhout (Belgium), presented by Boydens engineering company. 
    This project upgraded in a technological and sustainable ways a part of the city centre of the town with new social houses, shopping centres, restaurants, (etc..), and all the buildings are connected via aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) – with thermal loop system and water-water heat pump; allowing significant reduction of CO2 emissions. The ATES system provides heating and cooling to the buildings via means of storage and recovery of thermal energy by extracting and injecting the groundwater from aquifers utilizing groundwater wells.
  • For the DecarbIndustry category, the winning project is the “New Dairy” in Bergen (Norway), developed by TINE company. 
    This project represents the first dairy in Norway entirely supplied by heat pumps, the first one without fossil or direct electric heating. This solution provides a reduction of the energy consumption of 40% compared with other regular dairies located in Bergen. The foreseen reduction of almost 5 GWh, corresponding to the energy consumption of nearly 250 households.
  • In the Next Generation Heat Pump category, the project “PHAC-system” developed in Achtmaal (The Netherlands) and won by the company NRGTEQ BV, represents the concept of “active cooling and passive heating” by using PVT panels, heat pumps and thermal storage, both for commercial and residential buildings and industrial processes.  
    The concept provides year-round cooling and heating in a closed circuit with plain water. The heat pump runs only in summer in active cooling mode and provides up to 80 degrees hot water, which is stored in the PHAC system to be used during the winter period.
  • Heat Pump City of the Year (main category), won by  “BEST7 in EU-GUGLE“  located in Tampere (Finland) and developed by ENERMIX OY company – is a multi-apartment building in which heat pumps use PV electricity and green electricity from the grid (hydropower), and the excessive heat is delivered directly to the district heating network.  In this project there are different possible energy sources for heat pumps: ground source, exhausted air heat recovery, solar heat panels, wastewater, passive cooling and 21kWp PV-Solar panels supply the heat pump compressor. The system is guided and managed by cloud-based algorithms, that remotely control the 2-way district heating and makes possible to easily scale-up this concept to all the 30.000 multi-store apartment buildings in Finland.

The awards were handed over by Mr Patrick Crombez from Daikin and Mr Thomas Nowak EHPA. 

For any further info, please contact Ms. Serena Scotton

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