⭐️ Join us at the Heat Pump Forum & Award 2024 “Heat Pumps: competitive clean tech for all Europeans” on 25-26 September at Double Tree Hilton Hotel in Brussels. Together, let’s position heat pumps at the forefront of industrial plan, powering Europe’s journey towards energy security & competitiveness.
Industry leaders and policy-makers will come together to empower this key net zero sector.
As Europe looks to combine the challenges of global competitiveness with the need to decarbonise, the heat pump sector offers a proven solution.
It is a cutting edge, clean tech industry attracting billions of euros in manufacturing investments and providing sustainable jobs across Europe.
At the Heat Pump Forum & Award 2024, organised by the European Heat Pump Association, we’ll explore how we can ensure the sector’s massive potential is tapped.
What policies must be in place to drive manufacturing growth in Europe? How can we make heat pumps the most affordable solution for everyone? What is the role of AI? Which business models will make the difference? And in a confusing, online world, how can we help citizens to choose to #heatright?
Accelerating heat pump adoption isn’t just strategic —it’s the key to unlocking a future of self-sufficiency, resilience, and competitiveness for Europe.
🏆 The Heat Pump Award:
Just like every year, in 2024 we will recognise the most efficient, smart and sustainable Heat Pump projects at the local level in EHPA’s Heat Pump Award Ceremony.
Check out the agenda here 👉🏽 https://hp-forum.eu/programme_schedule/
Register now 👉🏽 https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/heat-pump-forum-2024-heat-pumps-competitive-clean-tech-for-all-europeans-tickets-882483902107?aff=oddtdtcreator