Five winning heat pump projects were recognised at the 2024 Heat Pump Awards hosted by the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA). From an innovative district heating system in Finland to the retrofit of multifamily homes in Spain, the 2024 winners demonstrate more than ever before that heat pumps work in all climates and for all types of buildings.
The 14th edition of the Heat Pump Awards which honour the most outstanding projects at the local, residential and industrial levels, took place during EHPA’s annual Heat Pump Forum in Brussels.
During the event, we awarded prizes to projects in five categories: Heat Pump City of the Year, DecarBuilding – for heat pumps in the building sector, DecarbIndustry – for heat pumps in industrial processes, Lighthouse Heat Pump – for innovative and creative heat pump projects, and People’s Choice – crowning the most popular heat pump project based on public votes.

The winning projects are:
Heat Pump City of the Year Award: Heat pump integration into district heating and cooling network for excess heat utilization
Introduced by Jussi Hirvonen, executive director at the Finnish Heat Pump Association SULPU, and accepted by Joona Salmi, Project Engineer at Turku Energia.
The Horizon 2020 RESPONSE project in Turku, Finland, is creating a positive energy district through innovative energy-efficient solutions. In collaboration with VTT, HögforsGST, Oilon, Turku Energia, the City of Turku, and TYS, the project uses a heat pump system that connects district heating and cooling networks. This system captures excess heat from district cooling, upscales it, and redistributes it to the district heating network, enabling a two-way energy solution while utilising dynamic pricing for both heating and cooling.
DecarBuilding Award: HAPPENING – HeAt PumPs in existing multi-family buildings for achieving union’s ENergy and envIroNmental Goals – Demo case in PASAIA
Introduced by Wim Boydens, sustainable concepts engineer and visiting professor at Ghent University, and accepted by Irantzu Urkola Lekuona, project manager at Tecnalia, and Jon Iturralde, researcher and Pasaia demo leader.
The HAPPENING project focuses on retrofitting existing multifamily buildings to improve the efficiency of heat pump systems. It proposes a cascade heat pump system, splitting heat generation into two levels with central and individual heat pumps, optimizing performance and adaptability. The system includes central air-to-water heat pumps, local renewables (such as PV or solar thermal), thermal energy storage for surplus energy, low-temperature water distribution, individual water-to-water heat pumps, and various emitters. Demonstrated in three cases, including Pasaia, Spain, the project targets a mild climate with no cooling needs, retrofitting an eight-unit building previously reliant on individual gas boilers.
DecarbIndustry Award: FRIGG – Steam-producing heat pump for the feed industry utilizing moist air as waste heat
Introduced by Thomas Fleckl, Head of Competence Unit Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems at, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, and accepted by Michael Bantle, Acting General Manager at ANEO Industry, and Vebjørn Nilsen, Process Manager at Felleskjøpet Agri.
FRIGG, named after the Norse goddess related to wisdom, maternal affection and safeguarding nature, is the world’s first full-scale industrial steam-supplying heat pump, installed at Felleskjøpet’s facility. It uses moist air as a heat source, recovering both sensible and latent heat, with an ammonia bottom cycle producing steam at 85°C. A top MVR cycle compresses the steam to the needed supply pressure, using only natural refrigerants. With a capacity of 1.6 MW, it supplies 2 tons of steam and 400 kW of hot water per hour, achieving a COP over 3.0. Developed by Aneo and Felleskjøpet, FRIGG has been operational since early 2024 and represents the future of industrial heat pumps.
Lighthouse Heat Pump Award: DC Heat Pumps with Cross Connected PV
Introduced by Caroline Haglund Stignor, focus area manager energy efficiency at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and accepted by Steve Connolly, CEO of Arriba Technologies.
This 750kW plant at the Rosie Hospital in Cambridge, UK provides heating, cooling, and domestic hot water with an integrated DC electrical system and solar installation. Built in early 2023, it features a novel use of DC power and distributed computing to manage energy efficiently, simplifying installation and reducing costs. Designed as a “Swiss Army Knife” solution, it delivers multiple services in one pre-built package, ideal for high-reliability environments like hospitals. These engineering innovations have made the client’s surgical facility a leader among low-carbon NHS buildings.
People’s Choice Award: Organon Thermal Management System
Introduced by Corrado de Gioia-Carabellese, project manager at Frascold S.p.A. accepted by Erik Van Oossanen, product management leader EMEA ANZ at Trane Technologies.
Organon, a global pharmaceutical company focused on women’s health, operates in 60+ countries and distributes to 140+. Its largest production facility in Oss, Netherlands, employs over 1,200 people and is the only site producing contraceptives, including long-acting solutions for women in remote areas. Previously heated by 8 MW central boilers and cooled by 15 large chillers, the site aims for climate neutrality by 2035. Partnering with Trane, Organon is integrating renewable technologies like high-efficiency heat pumps to achieve its sustainable energy goals.
The Heat Pump Award, an initiative of EHPA, aims to capture the remarkable progress and relentless innovation driving the heat pump industry forward. Every year, the Award receives applications from across the globe, each offering a unique perspective on how heat pumps play a vital role in our journey towards decarbonisation.
We would like to thank all the participants who submitted their remarkable projects, to the jury of experts who assessed the submissions and to those members of the public who voted for the People’s Choice Award.
The 2025 Heat Pump Awards nominations will be opening soon!
See photos of the Heat Pump Forum and Heat Pump Awards
For more information, contact Martina Battocchio, EU Projects Officer at